Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM)


Die Angaben sind zunächst in den Abschnitten chronologisch nach Jahr geordnet.

  • Hamjediers M., & Sprengholz M. (2023): Comparing the Incomparable? Issues of Lacking Common Support, Functional Form Mis-Specification, and Insufficient Sample Size in Decompositions. Forthcoming in Sociological Methodology.
  • Diehl, Claudia, Christian Hunkler, (2022): Vaccination related attitudes and behavior across birth cohorts: Evidence from Germany. PLOS ONE 17(2). Link
  • Hruschka, Constantin, Christian Hunkler, Tim Rohmann, (2022): Exclusionary Intent and Effects in the Migration Area.Interdisciplinary Reflections. Quarterly on Refugee Problems 61(2): 130-154. Link 
  • Maciejewski, Linda, Christian Hunkler, Niklas Harder, Kristin Schotte, (2022): Who Belongs to the Third Generation? On the Challenges of Definitional and Empirical Determination. Journal of Migration Studies 2(1): 151-163. Link
  • Breznau, Nate, Eike Mark Rinke, Alexander Wuttke, Hung H.V. Nguyen, …, Christian Hunkler, …, (2022): Observing Many Researchers Using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of Uncertainty. PNAS 119 (44). Link
  • Hunkler, Christian, Tabea Scharrer, Magdalena Suerbaum, Zeynep Yanasmayan, (2022): “Introduction: Spatial and Social Im/mobility in Forced Migration: Revisiting Class”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Link
  • Sprengholz M., & Hamjediers, M. (2022). Intersections and Commonalities: Using Matching to Decompose Wage Gaps by Gender and Nativity in Germany. Work and Occupations, 07308884221141100.205. Link
  • Kreyenfeld, M., Sprengholz M., & Schieckoff, B. (2022). Female Mobility. In E. J. Bussemer, F. Albrecht, D. Riethmüller, & C. Jakob (Eds.), Atlas of Migration. New Facts and Figures About People on the Move (pp. 42–43). Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. Link
  • Börsch-Supan, Axel, Christian HunklerMatthias Weiss, (2021): Big Data at Work: Age and Labor Productivity in the Service Sector. Journal of the Economics of Ageing. Link
  • Sprengholz M. (2021). Post-feminist German heartland: On the women’s rights narrative of the radical-right populist party Alternative für Deutschland in the Bundestag. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 28. Link
  • Krieger, Magdalena and Zerrin Salikutluk (2021): Migration in Families: Considering
    Couples Division of Domestic Work. Journal of Family Issues. doi:10.1177/0192513X211055117 Link
  • Schieckoff B., & Sprengholz M.(2021): The labor market integration of immigrant women in Europe: context, theory, and evidence. SN Social Sciences, 1, 276. Link

  • Lorenz, Georg, Zerrin Salikutluk, Zsofia Boda, Malte Jansen and Miles Hewstone (2021): Do Peers Stabilize Immigrants Optimism? Social Selection and Social Influence Processes among Ethnic Minority Adolescents and their Relation to Educational Expectations. Sociological Science. Link
  • Lorenz, Georg, Zsofia Boda and Zerrin Salikutluk (2021): Oppositional culture revisited. How the dynamics of friendship choices constitute ethnic differences in social embeddedness. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2021.1898354. Link
  • Salikutluk, Zerrin and Katrin Menke (2021): Gendered integration? The situation of male and female refugees on the German labor market. Journal of Family Research, 33(2), 284-321. Link
  • Rudolphi, Frida and Zerrin Salikutluk (2021): Aiming high no matter what? Educational Aspirations of Ethnic Minority and Native Youth in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. Comparative Sociology, 20(1), 70-100. Link
  • Holm, A., Regnault, V., Sprengholz, M., & Sprengholz M. (2021). Muster sozialer Ungleichheit der Wohnversorgung in deutschen Großstädten. Working Paper Forschungsförderung No. 222, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Link

  • Holm, A., Regnault, V., Sprengholz M., & Stephan, M. (2021). Die Verfestigung sozialer Wohnversorgungsprobleme: Entwicklung der Wohnverhältnisse und der sozialen Wohnversorgung von 2006 bis 2018 in 77 deutschen Großstädten. Working Paper Forschungsförderung No. 217, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Link

  • Sprengholz M., Diehl, C., Giesecke, J., & Kreyenfeld, M. (2021). From “guest workers” to EU migrants: A gendered view on the labour market integration of different arrival cohorts in Germany. Journal of Family Research, 33. Link

  • Hunkler, Christian, Aileen Edele, and Stephan Schipolowski, (2021): The Role of Educational Resources in the Labor Market Integration of Refugees: The Case of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Germany. Journal for Educational Research Online (13): 157-181.Link

  • Sprengholz M., Wieber, A., & Holst, E. (2020). Gender identity and wives’ labor market outcomes in West and East Germany between 1983 and 2016. Socio-Economic Review, mwaa048. Link 

  • Breznau, Nate, Lisa Sauter and Zerrin Salikutluk (2020): Full Shelves, Good Skills? Immigration, Adolescent Language Aptitude and New Evidence on Books in the Home from Four European Countries. Comparative Sociology, 19 (4-5):b B 465-508. Link
  • Lorenz, Georg, Zsofia Boda, Zerrin Salikutluk and Malte Jansen (2020): Social Influence or Social Selection? Peer Effects on the Development of Educational Expectations among Adolescents in Germany, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 41(5): 643-669. Link
  • Hunkler, Christian, and May Khourshed, (2020): The Role of Trauma for Integration. The Case of Syrian Refugees. Soziale Welt 71(2-3): 191-223. Link

  • Salikutluk, Zerrin and Stefanie Heyne (2017): Do gender roles and norms affect performance in math? The impact of adolescents’ and their peers’ gender norms on math grades, European Sociological Review, 33(3): 368-381. [Indicated as one of the top-cited ESR papers in 2019/2020.] Link

  • Salikutluk, Zerrin (2016): Why Do Immigrant Students Aim High? Explaining the Aspiration-
    Achievement Paradox of Immigrants in Germany, European Sociological Review, 32(5): 581-592. [Indicated as one of the top-cited ESR papers in 2018/2019] Link

  • Salikutluk, Zerrin and Stefanie Heyne (2014): Wer ist tatsächlich benachteiligt? Die Wirkung traditioneller Geschlechterrollen auf schulische Leistungen und elterliche Aspirationen in deutschen und türkischen Familien [Who is indeed disadvantaged? The effect of traditional gender roles on educational achievement and parental aspirations in German and Turkish families], Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 43(6): 421-440. Link

  • Roth, Tobias and Zerrin Salikutluk (2012): Attitudes and Expectations: Do Attitudes Towards Education Mediate the Relationship between Social Networks and the Level of Expectations?, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 33(5): 701-722. Link

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