Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (BIM)

Panel: „Xenophobic Rhetoric in German Political Discourse“

Hochkarätig besetzte, von der Hertie School organisierte Podiumsdiskussion am 26. Juni über rassistische, fremdenfeindliche Rhetorik in der bundesdeutschen Mainstream-Politik. Gäste: Marcus Engler, Gilda Sahebi, Inga Matthes. / High-level panel discussion on June 26, organized by the Hertie School, about how racialized xenophobic rhetoric has entered German mainstream politics. Guests include Marcus Engler, Gilda Sahebi, Inga Matthes.



„From the Sidelines to the Spotlight: Xenophobic Rhetoric in German Political Discourse“

A high-level panel discussion on June 26, 2024, 18.00-19.30, organized by the Hertie School. This event will explore how racialized xenophobic rhetoric has entered German mainstream politics, impacting not only migrants' rights but also the future of German democracy. Coinciding with the new German Citizenship Act, experts from various fields will discuss the role of political discourse in fostering an inclusive society. Join us for a critical conversation on the normalization of xenophobic discourse and its policy consequences.

The programme includes a keynote by Prof. Dr. Cornelia Woll, President of the Hertie School, and a panel moderated by Prof. Dr. Anke Hassel, Professor of Public Policy at Hertie School, with:
Dr. Marcus Engler, Migration Researcher at the German Institute for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM)
Gilda Sahebi, Freelance Journalist (ARD, taz, Der SPIEGEL) and Author of "Wie wir uns Rassismus beibringen" (2024)
Inga Matthes, Legal Advisor for Asylum and Migration Law at the German Red Cross
• N.N., political representative 

>Registration by 24, June (click here)

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