Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | BIM | Departments | Labor Market, Migration and Integration

Labor Market, Migration and Integration


Short description

The analysis of the labor market trajectories of migrants and migrant offspring is at the core of the department's work. Mission: To provide empirical evidence on the determinants and consequences of migration-specific inequalities in the labor market; and thus also integration policy recommendations for action.

Focusing on labor market trajectories

In the department, processes of integration into the labor market are described and analyzed. With an approach that takes a temporal perspective, the focus is not only on the life course, but also on the influence of institutional and structural arrangements.

One focus of the department is the interdependence between gender and migration in the production of labor market inequalities. It also examines the situation of migrants and migrant offspring in the
the labor market is examined in a cross-national perspective.

Against the background of structural change in the German labor market, the question also arises as to what effects migration has on the German labor market and to what extent employment change influences inequalities between persons with and without a migration background.

Resources and obstacles in the courses

The labor market integration or trajectories of migrants and migrant offspring are examined against the background of the resources they possess and the obstacles they have to overcome.

On the one hand, an important question concerns the utilization of these resources in the German labor market. On the other hand, forms of discrimination can be a crucial obstacle to integration into the labor market. The department focuses its research on objective discrimination and subjective experiences of discrimination in the labor market.

Mix of methods

The department's work is characterized by the use of different methodological approaches. Central is the analysis of representative survey data from Germany, including data from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), in particular the new SOEP/IAB migration sample. However, partial aspects of the department require the collection and analysis of qualitative or experimental data.

Projects (selection)


  • Seeing your religion - Regionale Variationen von Diskriminierung und Rassismus gegenüber Muslim*innen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt (04/2022–08/2024
  • Alltagsmobilität und gleichberechtigte Teilhabe: Motor für gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt? (11/2019–04/2020)
  • Geflüchtete Familien in Deutschland (GeFam) (10/2016–12/2019)
  • Datenservice- und Forschungszentrum (11/2017–10/2019) 

Publications (selection)


  • Börsch-Supan, Axel, Christian Hunker, Matthias Weiss (2021): Big Data at Work. Age and Labor Productivity in the Service Sector Journal of the Economics of Ageing 19(5): 100319. Doi: 10.1016/j.jeoa.2021.100319
  • Brücker, Herbert; Gundacker, Lidwina; Hauptmann, Andreas; Jaschke, Philipp (2021): Arbeitsmarktwirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie. Stabile Beschäftigung, aber steigende Arbeitslosigkeit von Migrantinnen und Migranten iab Nürnberg PDF).
  • Zerrin Salikutluk, Johannes Giesecke, Martin Kroh (2020): The Situation of Female Immigrants on the German Labour Market: A Multi-Perspective Approach DIW: SOEPpapers.

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