Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | BIM | Departments | Migration, Mental and Physical Health and Health Promotion

Migration, Mental and Physical Health and Health promotion


Public and Global (Mental) Health, Transcultural Psychiatry and
and Migration and Health Services Research

The department's public and global (mental) health research focuses on diversity-specific aspects of prevalence, etiology, symptomatology, treatment, and prevention of diseases in people from different sociocultural contexts.

Further research focuses on health promotion, effects of social exclusion on health, conceptual development of care concepts for socially disadvantaged groups, their implementation and evaluation of effectiveness at the affected and expert level.

Our general theoretical foundations are approaches from transcultural psychiatry, migration and health care research as well as medical anthropology.

Multidisciplinary and multimethod approach

Our research is characterized by the multidisciplinary approach of the participating psychiatrists, neurologists, psychologists, medical anthropologists and ethnopsychoanalysts.

The multi-methodological interlocking of approaches from the natural sciences and the humanities is the basis of research appropriate to the subject matter and the reflection of migration and integration processes in the health sector.

They create the prerequisite for the critical examination of processes of social change, as they can also be observed in the health sector due to globalization, migration and mobility.

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