Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)

Nader Hotait


Hotait Nader SW


  • Research assistant in the project D:ISLAM




Nader Hotait studied sociology and social sciences at the Humboldt University in Berlin, the University
of Potsdam and the University of Augsburg.

He is currently pursuing a PhD on Islamist radicalization narratives at the Graduate School of Economic
and Social Sciences (GESS) at the University of Mannheim.

Research focus


  • Social structure and social inequality
  • Religious communities, race and migration, health
  • Relational social theories and research methods
  • Data science


Academic career


  • since April 2021: research associate, Humboldt University Berlin, Berlin Institute
    for Empirical Integration and Migration Research
  • October 2020 - March 2021: Honorary Researcher, German Center for Integration-
    and Migration Research (DeZIM)
  • June 2020 - May 2021: Research Associate, University of Potsdam,
    Professorship for Social Structure and Social Inequality
  • November 2018 - September 2019: Student Assistant, Social Science Research Center Berlin
    for Social Research (WZB), Center for Civil Society Research
  • August 2018 - June 2020: research assistant, University of Potsdam,
    Chair of General Sociology, Chair of Social Structure and Social Inequality
  • April 2018 - March 2020: MA Sociology, University of Potsdam (final grade: 1.0)
  • October 2013 - March 2017: BA Social Sciences, University of Augsburg
    and Humboldt University Berlin




  • Summer Semester 2021 "Political Islam": Radicalization, Fundamentalism and Islamism
    as a socio-political dimension (As seminar companion for Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan, Seminar, M.A.)
  • Winter semester 2020/21 Social Inequality and Health (Seminar B.A.)
  • Summer term 2020 Introduction to Social Structure Analysis (Proseminar B.A.)
  • Winter semester 2019/20 The Shrinking Middle Class: Germany in International Comparison II (Co-
    directed with Prof. Dr. Roland Verwiebe, Teaching Research Project M.A.)
  • Summer Semester 2019 The Shrinking Middle Class: Germany in International Comparison I
    (Co-directed with Prof. Dr. Roland Verwiebe, Teaching Research Project M.A.)
Betreute Abschlussarbeiten


  • Paul Riesenhuber 2021. B.A.: Digital Forms of Protest. Changing forms of protest in digital spaces using the example of "Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen!" (together with Dr. Oliver Schmidt, University of Potsdam)
  • Deborah Giesler 2020/21st B.A.: Academization - as a chance to minimize income inequality or as a risk of losing qualified workers? (together with Prof. Dr. Roland Verwiebe)




  • Verwiebe, Roland et al. (2021). Soziale Ungleichheit und Digitalisierung in modernen Gesellschaften: Ein systematischer Literaturreview zur Rolle von Ethnizität, Geschlecht und Alter, Eingereicht und angenommen: Zeitschrift für Soziologie
  • Rausch, Dorothea, Nader Hotait, und Steffen Beigang (2021). Handlungsräume und -möglichkeiten bei rassistischer Diskriminierung, DeZIM (Online)
  • Hotait, Nader and Diamond Stacker (2020). #blacklivesmatter: A mixed-method analysis of a week's worth of tweets, To be published
  • Hotait, Nader und Roland Verwiebe (2020). Ungleiche Unsicherheiten. Eine Längsschnittanalyse subjektiver Unsicherheiten nach Klasse und Region zwischen 1990 und 2017, Eingereicht: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
  • Hotait, Nader, Rahua Mesghina und Roland Verwiebe (2020). Migrantische Unsicherheit. Eine Zeitreihenanalyse zur Arbeitsplatzsicherheit bei Personen mit Migrationshintergrund aus der MENA Region, To be published in Roland (2020). Studien zur Mittlelschicht, Potsdam: Potsdam University Press
  • R Package: estatclass. (2020). Similar to Stata’s estat classification this package reports various summary statistics including a classification table. Specifically so for binary response models. This could be used as an addition to caret's confusionMatrix as it reports additional metrics. Eingereicht: Comprehensive




  • Deutscher Islam als Alternative zum Islamismus? Antworten auf islamistische Bedrohungen in muslimischen Verbänden, Gemeinden und Lebenswelten. Für drei Jahre mit ca. €700.000,00 gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). Weitere Informationen sind auf der Projektwebseite zu finden.
  • The reconfiguration of social recognition in digital societies (DIGITSOC). The Research Unit DIGITSOC brings together the wide-ranging theoretical knowledge and methodological expertise of a diverse interdisciplinary team to systematically analyze this reconfiguration of social recognition, taking key aspects of inequality in the digital transformation into account. This project is jointly conducted by the University of Potsdam, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Weizenbaum Institute, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS) and RWTH Aachen University.
  • Afrozensus. Programmierung des Online Data-Explorers/Dashboards. Ziel des #AFROZENSUS ist es, ein möglichst umfassendes Bild darüber zu bekommen, welche Erfahrungen Menschen afrikanischer Herkunft in Deutschland machen, wie sie ihr Leben in Deutschland einschätzen und welche Erwartungen sie an Politik und Gesellschaft haben. Die Ergebnisse der #AFROZENSUS Onlinebefragung werden den Communities und der Politik zur Verfügung gestellt.
  • Data Portal on Political Conflict and Protest in Europe. The main aim of the project is to implement an interactive observatory on political conflict and democracy in Europe in both the electoral and the protest arena (see the PolDem website). This project is jointly conducted by the European University Institute (EUI) and the Center for Civil Society Research by the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB). It is coordinated by Edgar Grande, Swen Hutter, and Hanspeter Kriesi
  • Politicizing Immigration. Using the concept of politicization, the project explores the parties, party strategies, and actor constellations responsible for politicizing immigration issues across political arenas. Specifically, the project assumes that opening-up the black box of immigration issues and exploring the strategic repertoire of mainstream parties’ responses to right-wing challengers can help us better understand the ‘punctuated’ pattern of publicly salient and polarized conflicts over migration.


Media and ressources




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